Today is my wonderful husband's 30th birthday. Happy Birthday to the most amazing, caring, supportive and good looking man I have the pleasure of knowing.
Our weekend started by an adventure at the drive-in. It's always an experience. It starts with a trip to the Bulk Barn. Upon entering such a tempting and delicious store, Jeffrey needs limitations. We decide how many items we are each allowed to choose. We always get way too much stuff anyway and it cost's a small fortune. After we are armed with candy, we head to Tim Horton's to grab a coffee and hope to beat dusk (and the rush) to the local drive-in theatre. We are always early. I am always worried we are going to get stuck in a line waiting to get in and end up in the last row, parked behind a semi. That has never happened. I have no idea where I get my strange anxieties from.
So, we stuff our faces, drink our coffees, share a lot of laughs, do some serious people watching and are then both yawning before the first movie has even started. When will we get this right?
We watched The Other Guys and Salt. I would recommend both. I am not a huge movie fan, generally they don't keep my attention long enough but, these two were pretty good.
We continued the weekend celebration with some visits with friends and my parents made a surprise visit as well. I really do have the best parents ever.
It has been a crazy few weeks around here with lots of visits and running here and there.
Here's a few pics to catch you all up-
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