First place is my shampoo. Can’t live without it. Used to smuggle it in from other towns and cities. Had many people on the look out for salons that sold it. I have now found a supplier of my own and will be going there later today to purchase some more conditioner. Why do I always run out of conditioner before shampoo?

Back to Basics – Coconut Mango for thick, coarse hair. Everyone reports it smells awesome, I no longer smell it because I have grown used to it. Even the girl at Tim Horton’s drive thru asked me what smelled so good the other day. Maybe it is just the world positively reinforcing me showering. Conspiracy anyone? That reminds me, I want to blog this week about conspiracy theories….
Next is Good Earth Green Tea with lemongrass….MMMMMMMMM!!! It kind of tastes a little like peaches and doesn’t have a nasty after taste like most green teas. I buy mine at Vince’s Market. If you don’t have a Vince’s, I am of no help as to where else it is sold. A close second to my fave green tea is Arizona Green Tea.

Third is good ol’ vinegar. That’s right, vinegar. I love the stuff. It’s good for everything! In my recent steps to become a “green cleaning products home”, I have been experimenting with different natural products. I tell you, vinegar is amazing! Not to mention it is great on popcorn, French fries, salad, fish etc.

If you want to hear more about what has worked for green solutions around my house, let me know. Perhaps that’s an idea for another post?!
On the note of Green, have I ever told you about this amazing little shop called the Green Hair Salon & Spa? It’s in Stratford. My very good friend Jess and her friend own it. Totally green products, how awesome is that? Check out their website (click their logo below - yep, I figured out how to make a blog button!).

That’s all for now.
P.S. You will all be very happy to know that the dreaded man cold reared it’s ugly head in full force yesterday but seems to have been appropriately beaten into submission today and is vacating my body. Holy hell are my ears ever plugged though! Seriously, I can’t hear anything. It’s driving me nuts, I like to hear what people are talking about and for that, I need my Whisper 2000 to be in peak condition. Maybe next week.
you DO smell good. and now i know you have a whisper 2000.
Thanks for the plug baby! Wanna know more....