A year goes by
Again, I slack at blogging. The little Mr is getting pretty busy these days, not leaving much time for "silly little blogs". It's amazing how fast they really do grow. I find it most overwhelming to think that just one year ago I was on bedrest as a small medical issue threatened to take away what we tried so hard to get. Now I watch what was then a few cells with a heart that just started beating roll around my dirty floors, smile at me with a toothy grin and reach for me when we sing our good morning song. I am so humbled by this last year that I can't even put it into words. Everyday is amazing with B, I think we finally found our groove together. Some days are long and difficult but each night when I lay him in his crib, I can't help but say a little thank you to the Man upstairs.
This last year has been filled with the most highest of highs and some very low lows. We welcomed new family members and loved ones and said goodbye to some as well. It amazes me how one person can touch your life so profoundly and sometimes you don't even realize it until they've began a new journey. Today has me feeling reflective and that leads me to feeling very thankful. I have a life that is filled to the brim with love and kindness. Everyday I am reminded of how wonderful people are and sometimes I forget to take note. Today I am taking note and I hope to every single day. I can't wait for B to grow up feeling all the love that surrounds him and start to really recognize how many truly amazing people he has in his life.
Hello September
Week 1 with a baby is bliss, the honeymoon period, the newborn "all I do is sleep" period and the husband being home makes life a bowl full of cherries. The 2nd week, you start to get a little tired but life continues to be sheer bliss. The 3rd week comes along and exhaustion is starting to set in and then BAM! the 4th week comes and slaps you upside the head. The husband is soon going back to work (yes we were lucky enough for him to spend a whole month at home with us), the baby starts to have longer wakeful periods, the guilt of not being the best Stay At Home Mom starts to set in because alas, you can't do it all, and you start to figure out how you are going to cope. Yes, week 4 was an eye opener for me. Byron then decided that perhaps he didn't like nursing so much, then he decided that he didn't like eating at all so much. By week 6, I was exhausted and overwhlemed. Why does my baby cry ALL.THE.TIME? What was I doing wrong? We started supplementing with formula (add more guilty feelings please) and things got a little better. Byron continued to be very "fussy" (fussy implies he was cranky, cranky doesn't even come close to explaining the screams that escaped my poor boy's lips). Luckily, I have the internet. I started to do some research and paid a little more attention to how Byron was acting. Reflux. That had to be it. Ok, get to the Dr, get him something to make him feel better and life will be blissful again. Dr-check, prescription-check, bliss - not yet. Byron and I had to head to my Mom and Dad's for his baby shower the day after the Dr's appointment. Luckliy, Byron slept most the way. I, on the other hand, cried more than half the way (the poor 16 year old boy at McDonalds didn't know how to respond to my swollen eyes, runny noes and gasps for air - sorry kid). Mom and Gramma were there to help when we arrived, they were able to witness the sounds that such a little boy can produce and see the obvious pain he was in, I wasn't crazy afterall. I wasn't over reacting to his cries. A few days later, the Zantac started to work and life was on the up and up again! Less barf, way less screaming and even some giggles (from both of us).
I am happy to report that as Byron appraoches his 4 month birthday, life is good. Byron is growing well and doing all sorts of fun things now. He rolls over, he belly laughs, he puts everything in his mouth (EVERYTHING!) and he is starting to get really good sleep habits. We are happy. Bliss- check!
We made it.
He's Here, He's Here!
I know this post took awhile, but adjusting to our new lifestyle was way more important than updating the old blog (not to mention catching up on some long awaited snuggles).
Friday, May 13, 2011 (yep, Friday the 13th!) our son was born! Byron Wesley, 7 lbs 2 oz, 18.9" long via c-section at 8:21pm.
His birth story is long and drawn out and a little dramatic, but in the end he was born perfectly healthy and very happy. We spent 4 days in the hospital recovering and were very happy to come home and figure out how 219 would run with it's newest member. Buff Buff and Me Too got to have a week long vacation at Gramma and Papa's and didn't seem too happy to return to their newest sibling. After a month, I can proudly say, they have fallen in love.
So far, our lives as parents have been pretty good. We are lucky to have a fairly happy baby and we are also lucky to have eachother. I can't imagine how I would have gone through my recovery without the amazing support of Jeff.
So, without further ado (sp?), here is our boy!
Happy one month birthday little one!

Friday, May 13, 2011 (yep, Friday the 13th!) our son was born! Byron Wesley, 7 lbs 2 oz, 18.9" long via c-section at 8:21pm.
His birth story is long and drawn out and a little dramatic, but in the end he was born perfectly healthy and very happy. We spent 4 days in the hospital recovering and were very happy to come home and figure out how 219 would run with it's newest member. Buff Buff and Me Too got to have a week long vacation at Gramma and Papa's and didn't seem too happy to return to their newest sibling. After a month, I can proudly say, they have fallen in love.
So far, our lives as parents have been pretty good. We are lucky to have a fairly happy baby and we are also lucky to have eachother. I can't imagine how I would have gone through my recovery without the amazing support of Jeff.
So, without further ado (sp?), here is our boy!
Happy one month birthday little one!
For My Mom
Happy Mother's Day!
Don't fret, I sent her flowers and called her first thing on Mother's Day so I am not really two days late.
I have a pretty awesome Mom. I have a Mom that I love and a Mom that I know loves me. Sure, we may not always see eye to eye, but we get over it and life goes on. I know that no matter what, she is there for me and what more can I ask for?
She did her best to raise me to be a caring, independent, successful woman and, I think she did ok.
I can only hope to raise my child to be those same things.
I love you Mom!
To all the other Mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day to you. Especially the ones that are particularily close to me and also helped shape who I grew up to be.
To all the women that are struggling to become Mother's, I send you big hugs and love today. It's a tough day for many women and I hope your journey to parenthood ends in love and smiles soon.
Don't fret, I sent her flowers and called her first thing on Mother's Day so I am not really two days late.
I have a pretty awesome Mom. I have a Mom that I love and a Mom that I know loves me. Sure, we may not always see eye to eye, but we get over it and life goes on. I know that no matter what, she is there for me and what more can I ask for?
She did her best to raise me to be a caring, independent, successful woman and, I think she did ok.
I can only hope to raise my child to be those same things.
I love you Mom!
To all the other Mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day to you. Especially the ones that are particularily close to me and also helped shape who I grew up to be.
To all the women that are struggling to become Mother's, I send you big hugs and love today. It's a tough day for many women and I hope your journey to parenthood ends in love and smiles soon.
Nursery and Some Cuteness
Here is a brief glimpse at the nursery (for today). The baby will have a brand new window soon - so glad we get to hang these dang curtains again **dripping with sarcasm**

And here, at ths risk of looking like I favour one of our furbabies, is one of my favorite pictures of Buff Buff. She seriously could not be any more gorgeous. I think it helps that she loves the camera. Before anyone raises a stink about no Me Too pics, he runs from the camera so, any pictures I do happen to snap, he looks even more weird and dangerous than normal.

How was your Easter? We had a great one. We got to see some family and friends so, it can't be much better I suppose. This was our last trip home until baby comes. I am just not meant for long car rides anymore. Not to mention, I think Jeff would spend the entire time on eggshells. He must have told me 20 times this weekend that I had better not go into labour. It had nothing to do with not wanting to meet our baby yet, it had everything to do with not having the stupid hospital bag or carseat lol. He is a practical man.
We have been blessed to have had 2 showers already, one from Jeff's family and another from my work. I feel so lucky to have som many amazing people supporting us through this and can't wait for this baby to be on the outside and realize how loved they are.
Speaking of which, April is National Infertility Awareness month. Take a second and do some research about how infertility affects millions of couples and probably a few you know. Infertility doesn't always mean InVitro Fertilization and other procedures people might think are very scientific. There is a spectrum and each and every single space on that spectrum hurts just as much as anyother. The more we talk about it, the less people will suffer alone and in silence.
And here, at ths risk of looking like I favour one of our furbabies, is one of my favorite pictures of Buff Buff. She seriously could not be any more gorgeous. I think it helps that she loves the camera. Before anyone raises a stink about no Me Too pics, he runs from the camera so, any pictures I do happen to snap, he looks even more weird and dangerous than normal.
How was your Easter? We had a great one. We got to see some family and friends so, it can't be much better I suppose. This was our last trip home until baby comes. I am just not meant for long car rides anymore. Not to mention, I think Jeff would spend the entire time on eggshells. He must have told me 20 times this weekend that I had better not go into labour. It had nothing to do with not wanting to meet our baby yet, it had everything to do with not having the stupid hospital bag or carseat lol. He is a practical man.
We have been blessed to have had 2 showers already, one from Jeff's family and another from my work. I feel so lucky to have som many amazing people supporting us through this and can't wait for this baby to be on the outside and realize how loved they are.
Speaking of which, April is National Infertility Awareness month. Take a second and do some research about how infertility affects millions of couples and probably a few you know. Infertility doesn't always mean InVitro Fertilization and other procedures people might think are very scientific. There is a spectrum and each and every single space on that spectrum hurts just as much as anyother. The more we talk about it, the less people will suffer alone and in silence.
Almost there
and this house will never be ready. We are getting new windows soon (by soon I mean the same week I am due). The guy promised me that if I was at the hospital in labour, they would let the dogs out for us. Gee thanks.
What seems silly to me is that serious nesting only sets in close to the end. That's like cruel and unusual punishment isn't it? I can barely moove, my feet look like blown up medical gloves (my Dr says this is fine, in case you are concerned), my back hurts and oh man? I have some ligaments that are getting a daily work out. Why would I now have the urge to throw out furniture, get rid of picture frames, go through closets and scrub my floors? Perhaps it's my subconcious trying to bring this pregnancy to an end?
Had an ultrasound this week, I am still measuring ahead (awesome!) and they are estimating this child to weigh 6lbs 9oz right now. In case you aren't aware, they say that a baby gains about 3/4lb every week for the last 4 or so. I am not good at math and I don't know if you are either, but that puts this child around 10lbs at birth. She says, "We can be wrong by a pound or two" after she sees the tears in my eyes and hears the screaming inside my head. Good, that brings us back down to 4 lbs 9 ozs. Just where we should be. Perfect and thank you very much. I left a happy pregnant woman.
What seems silly to me is that serious nesting only sets in close to the end. That's like cruel and unusual punishment isn't it? I can barely moove, my feet look like blown up medical gloves (my Dr says this is fine, in case you are concerned), my back hurts and oh man? I have some ligaments that are getting a daily work out. Why would I now have the urge to throw out furniture, get rid of picture frames, go through closets and scrub my floors? Perhaps it's my subconcious trying to bring this pregnancy to an end?
Had an ultrasound this week, I am still measuring ahead (awesome!) and they are estimating this child to weigh 6lbs 9oz right now. In case you aren't aware, they say that a baby gains about 3/4lb every week for the last 4 or so. I am not good at math and I don't know if you are either, but that puts this child around 10lbs at birth. She says, "We can be wrong by a pound or two" after she sees the tears in my eyes and hears the screaming inside my head. Good, that brings us back down to 4 lbs 9 ozs. Just where we should be. Perfect and thank you very much. I left a happy pregnant woman.
I did it!
I opened my windows, I changed my wreath, I raked a bit of the lawn and I got rid of some crap. Now, I am exhausted. I think that nesting has officially moved into 219 and everyone that lives here better brace themselves. Jeff opts to work weekends in order to escape my mundane lists of "things that make me go hmmm...". I can't blame him. So for now, me too sneezes all day long because apparently he can't handle the smell of vinegar and that's the scent at 219 these days as everything gets disinfected.
This is my first attempt at blogging from my iPhone, I hope it turns out ok. I am loving my new iPhone. Seriously, it's like having a computer at my finger tips (ironically, I do have one 5 feet away). It's fast, it's easy and it does what I want it to do (sorry blackberry, you lose).
That's all for today. Tomorrow we are off to Barrie to have supper with the Samson's and I am soooo looking forward to it. Did I mention it's buffet? It's going to be a long drive home. I must remember to pack some baggies in my purse ;-).
This is my first attempt at blogging from my iPhone, I hope it turns out ok. I am loving my new iPhone. Seriously, it's like having a computer at my finger tips (ironically, I do have one 5 feet away). It's fast, it's easy and it does what I want it to do (sorry blackberry, you lose).
That's all for today. Tomorrow we are off to Barrie to have supper with the Samson's and I am soooo looking forward to it. Did I mention it's buffet? It's going to be a long drive home. I must remember to pack some baggies in my purse ;-).
Spring has Sprung?!
Dare I say it? Might it be time for these pesky winter tires to be removed? Can I change my winter door wreath to the Spring one? Will my bed be filled with sand again for the next 7 months? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am happy about answering yes to all of these questions except the last one. One thing about 219 is that the soil is very sandy (I guess that's what happens when you live this close to a lake) and so when Buff Buff and Me Too come in from their romps outside, they bring in nasty, gritty sand which we often find in our sheets. I look at it as a great way to exfoliate all night long but, Jeff disagrees. Too bad, it is what it is and around 219, it's the first sign of Spring...who needs a Robin?
We are now in week 33 of the pregnancy and continuing to do well. I must admit though, I am really starting to look forward to having an outside baby! I cannot believe how fast it has gone - especially since we are not the most patient people.
Hope that all of you are doing well (if there are any of you that still read this). What are your first signs of Spring?
We are now in week 33 of the pregnancy and continuing to do well. I must admit though, I am really starting to look forward to having an outside baby! I cannot believe how fast it has gone - especially since we are not the most patient people.
Hope that all of you are doing well (if there are any of you that still read this). What are your first signs of Spring?
My most sincere apologies...
I know, I know, I am a bad blogger. I really am sorry that I havent kept up with this - I really enjoy doing it so I'm not sure what happened.
First things first, we're expecting!!! Baby Mayne is due May 25th (although I am aiming for May 15th lol). We are not/have not found out if we will be using he or using she to describe our baby - we (by that I mean me) want it to be a surprise. Jeff isn't so sure about not knowing, but he also gives me my Christmas present 30 days early, so we shouldn't be surprised.
We got off to a pretty rocky start, but settled in nicely and just keep truckin' along. I have been blessed to have a fairly great and unevetful pregnancy and for that, I am thankful every day.
29 weeks this week and going strong!
As far as everyone else, Buff Buff is enjoying the winter and her extra pounds (that's a theme around 219) and Me Too continues to try and figure out how he can hybernate through it. Everyone survived Mama's crazy hormones (or at least managed to stay out of the way). My darling husband even made it out rather unscathed (he may disagree).
As Spring fast approaches, I have lovely day dreams about cold beer, my hands deep in the dirt of my flower beds, getting the garden going, washing the windows etc etc etc. Those all come to a schreeching halt when I remember that a tiny human will take up all that hobby time for now. Anyone want a volunteer position at 219?
We are very fortunate to have some amazing and supportive people in our lives, many of them actually and we want to say Thank you. Thank you for your ongoing support, your love, your kind words and thoughts. I only hope we offer the same in return.
First things first, we're expecting!!! Baby Mayne is due May 25th (although I am aiming for May 15th lol). We are not/have not found out if we will be using he or using she to describe our baby - we (by that I mean me) want it to be a surprise. Jeff isn't so sure about not knowing, but he also gives me my Christmas present 30 days early, so we shouldn't be surprised.
We got off to a pretty rocky start, but settled in nicely and just keep truckin' along. I have been blessed to have a fairly great and unevetful pregnancy and for that, I am thankful every day.
29 weeks this week and going strong!
As far as everyone else, Buff Buff is enjoying the winter and her extra pounds (that's a theme around 219) and Me Too continues to try and figure out how he can hybernate through it. Everyone survived Mama's crazy hormones (or at least managed to stay out of the way). My darling husband even made it out rather unscathed (he may disagree).
As Spring fast approaches, I have lovely day dreams about cold beer, my hands deep in the dirt of my flower beds, getting the garden going, washing the windows etc etc etc. Those all come to a schreeching halt when I remember that a tiny human will take up all that hobby time for now. Anyone want a volunteer position at 219?
We are very fortunate to have some amazing and supportive people in our lives, many of them actually and we want to say Thank you. Thank you for your ongoing support, your love, your kind words and thoughts. I only hope we offer the same in return.
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