And here, at ths risk of looking like I favour one of our furbabies, is one of my favorite pictures of Buff Buff. She seriously could not be any more gorgeous. I think it helps that she loves the camera. Before anyone raises a stink about no Me Too pics, he runs from the camera so, any pictures I do happen to snap, he looks even more weird and dangerous than normal.
How was your Easter? We had a great one. We got to see some family and friends so, it can't be much better I suppose. This was our last trip home until baby comes. I am just not meant for long car rides anymore. Not to mention, I think Jeff would spend the entire time on eggshells. He must have told me 20 times this weekend that I had better not go into labour. It had nothing to do with not wanting to meet our baby yet, it had everything to do with not having the stupid hospital bag or carseat lol. He is a practical man.
We have been blessed to have had 2 showers already, one from Jeff's family and another from my work. I feel so lucky to have som many amazing people supporting us through this and can't wait for this baby to be on the outside and realize how loved they are.
Speaking of which, April is National Infertility Awareness month. Take a second and do some research about how infertility affects millions of couples and probably a few you know. Infertility doesn't always mean InVitro Fertilization and other procedures people might think are very scientific. There is a spectrum and each and every single space on that spectrum hurts just as much as anyother. The more we talk about it, the less people will suffer alone and in silence.
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